Golena di Ca’Pisani

This nature oasis, along the course of the Po di Maistra River, represents a wetland area of considerable importance. The lush vegetation and freshwater ponds are an ideal environment for the wide variety of birds that live and nest here.

The Ca' Pisani floodplain covers an area of about 43 hectares and includes a picturesque river environment on the left bank of the Po di Maistra, the wildest, some wetlands bordered by internal embankments, about 4 hectares of wooded formations (mostly willows) and some areas once cultivated but now purposely left uncultivated and renaturalized.
Prior to its purchase by the region, the floodplain was a typical example of a private fishing valley, functional for raising mullet, bass and eel.

Today, the wetland area of Ca' Pisani represents a valuable amphibious context, as attested by the presence of a rich avifauna that includes the Little Egret, several species of Heron, Black-winged Stilt, Bee-eater, Marsh Harrier, Red-backed Woodpecker, Hoopoe, River Nightingale and other more common species.

Thanks to European funds, several nature trails equipped with birdwatching observatories have been created in the area.
A small visitor center, built inside a traditional farmhouse, illustrates the characteristics of the place, and outside, some structures once used for traditional river fishing have been reconstructed for educational purposes, in order to evoke the atmosphere of a not-too-distant past.

Loc. Ca’ Pisani, Porto Viro
Per informazioni: Ente Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po

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